
How to Use Eleavers For Advertisers

Welcome to the best Tutorials for ELeavers Guide on How to Use Eleavers for advertisers, this post will show you all the steps you need to take to boost your website traffic and gain more visibility on your website.

Trying to gain more website traffics and engagements but leaving it alone to search engine queries isn’t getting your website enough traffics, then you are right to choose Eleavers, because the CPC on this network is very low compared to many other advertising platforms. Just as for the low and cheap advertising cost you get unique and targeted audience, you can also promote your links directly.

Discover comprehensive Tutorials for ELeavers Guide, your ultimate resource for navigating and optimizing your advertising campaigns. These tutorials cover a wide range of topics, including campaign setup, targeting options, optimization techniques, and account management.

With step-by-step instructions, interactive elements, and real-world examples, these Tutorials for ELeavers Guide empower advertisers at all levels of expertise to maximize their ad performance. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, these tutorials provide invaluable insights to help you achieve your advertising goals using the ELeavers Guide platform. Unleash the full potential of ELeavers Guide with our engaging and informative tutorials.

Tutorials for ELeavers Guide – How to Use Eleavers

ELeavers is an online advertising platform that allows advertisers to reach targeted audiences with cost-effective advertising campaigns. If you’re new to ELeavers, this guide will provide you with step-by-step tutorials on how to use ELeavers for your advertising needs.

1. Signing up for ELeavers:
The first step to start using ELeavers as a new user is to visit the ELeavers website and click on the ‘Get Started’ button on the top right center of the homepage. You will be redirected down to a part of the homepage that looks like image (Fig 1) then click on the ‘Get started’ down, you will then be redirected to a new page where you will be ask to creat a campaign as a new user.

Tutorials for ELeavers Guide
Fig 1

But if you don’t want to create campaign instantly, then visit Eleavers website click on the “Sign up” at the upper right corner of the website and provide your personal information and select your payment method. Once you have submitted your information completely, you will receive a confirmation email.

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2. Creating an Ad Campaign:
After signing up for an account, you can create an ad campaign by clicking on the ‘Create Campaign’ button on the dashboard for registered members. You will be required to provide information about your ad campaign, but (for new users who wanted to start immediately, the new page that you will be redirected to is the create campaign page). This stages is what you must pass to create an effective ad campaign:

  1. Name of campaign: Name your ads any name of your choice.Tutorials for ELeavers Guide
  2. The type of ad: Choose which ad format you will like to go for.

    How to Use Eleavers for advertisers
    Best performing ad is image ads

  3. Target audience by country: Choose if you want Eleavers to show the ad worldwide or do you have a specific country or region you want them to see your ad.

    Tutorials for ELeavers Guide
    Select “specific country” to target people living in those countries alone.

  4. Budget: you can budget to spend a certain amount of money on ads per click in a day, then specify your budget.

    How to Use Eleavers for advertisers
    The minimum of CPC budget is $1.50 so aim more CPC by adding above the line.

  5. Ad creative: This is the page the magic happens, your ad will be displayed as you working and crafting your ad.

    Tutorials for ELeavers Guide
    If you choose text ad during the “ad type” selection, then your ad will look like mine here, but if you choose image or other ad type there will be a different views.

  6. Create your account: as a new user, but an already registered user will only add payment to shoot the ad to the world.
  7. Ad Overview: This page will display how your ad will look like when published.

    How to Use Eleavers for advertisers
    This is my test ad Overview, if I publish this ad it will look exactly like this.

Once you have filled in all the necessary information, you can submit your ad campaign for review.

3. Targeting your Audience:
ELeavers offers a range of targeting options to help you reach your desired audience. You can target your audience based on demographics such as age, gender, location, language, and interests. You can also target your audience based on device type and browsing behavior.

4. Setting your Budget:
ELeavers offers a range of budget options to suit different advertising needs. You can set your budget based on the number of clicks or impressions you want to receive for your ad campaign. You can also set a daily budget limit to ensure that your ad campaign does not exceed your specified budget.

5. Monitoring your Campaign:
After setting up your ad campaign, you can start monitoring its performance by visiting the dashboard. ELeavers provides real-time analytics on the performance of your ad campaign, such as the number of clicks, impressions, and conversions. You can use this information to make informed decisions on how to optimize your ad campaign.

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Tutorials for ELeavers Guide and Tips for effective ad creative on ELeavers

When it comes to creating effective ad creative on ELeavers, there are a few tips that can help you maximize the impact of your ads.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Clear and Eye-catching Design: Make sure your ad design is visually appealing and stands out from the crowd. Use high-quality images or graphics that are relevant to your message and capture attention quickly. Avoid clutter and keep the design clean and easy to understand.

2. Compelling Headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that entice the audience to click on your ad. Use concise and persuasive language to communicate the value proposition of your product or service. Highlight any special promotions or unique selling points to create a sense of urgency.

3. Concise and Informative Ad Copy: Your ad copy should be concise yet informative. Focus on the key benefits and features of your product or service. Use clear and compelling language to communicate your message effectively. Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms that may confuse the audience.

4. Call-to-Action: Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in your ad. The CTA prompts the audience to take the desired action, such as “Sign up now,” “Buy now,” or “Learn more.” Use actionable and persuasive language to drive conversions. Experiment with different CTAs to see which ones resonate best with your audience.

5. Test Multiple Variations: Don’t settle for one ad creative. Instead, create multiple variations of your ad and test them against each other. This will help you identify which creative performs best in terms of click-through rates and conversions. A/B testing is a valuable strategy to optimize your ad creative over time.

6. Audience Targeting: Make use of the targeting options available on ELeavers to reach your desired audience effectively. Tailor your ad creative to match the preferences and interests of your target audience. Personalize your messaging based on demographics, interests, location, or other relevant factors.

7. Regular Monitoring and Optimization: Keep a close eye on the performance of your ad creative. Monitor metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and engagement. Use this data to optimize your ads continuously. Make adjustments to your design, copy, or targeting to improve the effectiveness of your ads.

Remember, creating effective ad creative is an iterative process. Don’t be afraid to experiment, learn from your results, and refine your approach over time.

By following these tips and continuously refining your ad creative, you can increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns on ELeavers.

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Some key features that ELeavers offers to advertisers

ELeavers is a comprehensive advertising platform that offers several key features to advertisers. Some of its prominent features include:

1. Targeted Advertising: ELeavers provides highly targeted advertising options, allowing advertisers to reach their desired audience based on various parameters such as demographic information, geographic location, interests, and behavior. This ensures that the ad reaches the right audience, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.

2. Wide Network Reach: ELeavers has a vast network of publishers across different websites, giving advertisers access to a large pool of potential customers. This allows advertisers to expand their reach and increase brand visibility across various online platforms.

3. Cost-Effective Pricing: ELeavers offers cost-effective pricing models, such as pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-impression (CPM), which enable advertisers to optimize their advertising budget. Advertisers can set their own budget limits and only pay when their ads are clicked or viewed, making it a cost-efficient option.

4. Real-time Tracking and Reporting: ELeavers provides detailed real-time tracking and reporting features that allow advertisers to monitor the performance of their ad campaigns. This includes metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI, enabling advertisers to analyze the effectiveness of their advertisements and make data-driven decisions.

5. Customizable Ad Formats: ELeavers supports a variety of ad formats, including display ads, text ads, native ads, and video ads. Advertisers can customize the design and format of their ads to match their brand identity and effectively communicate their message to the target audience.

6. Ad Fraud Prevention: ELeavers employs advanced security measures and fraud detection mechanisms to prevent ad fraud and ensure that advertisers’ budgets are utilized effectively. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the advertising ecosystem and provides advertisers with a trustworthy platform to run their campaigns.

These are just a few of the key features that ELeavers offers to advertisers. By leveraging these features, advertisers can effectively promote their products or services, maximize their advertising ROI, and reach their marketing goals.


In conclusion, ELeavers is a powerful online advertising platform that offers advertisers a range of targeting options and a cost-effective advertising solution. By following the above tutorials on the Tutorials for ELeavers Guide in How to Use Eleavers for advertisers, you can get started with ELeavers and start reaching your desired audience in no time. Happy advertising!

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